The Firestarter Programme

Making 6-figures but struggling to take the next big leap?


CEO Entrepreneur: The Firestarter Programme

A tailored 12-month programme that takes you from being a functional cog in your company – to leading your business and getting the lifestyle you’ve wanted all along!

Do you remember why you started your own business?

The passion. The flexibility. The financial freedom.

And yet here you are…You’ve achieved the dream 6 figures but you’re still stuck in the trenches, overwhelmed by decision fatigue and rather than moving forward and looking at the bigger picture, you’re a hamster on a wheel, spinning every plate – okay, we’ll stop with the analogies, but you get the gist!

You might not be a solopreneur anymore, but you are still stuck in a ‘solopreneur mindset’. 

Reignite your entrepreneurial vision with CEO Entrepreneur: The Firestarter Programme

A comprehensive 12-month programme for entrepreneurs committed to growing and scaling their business with a passion for succeeding.Why 12 months?Because it’s a marathon, not a sprint.  The Firestarter Programme is designed to support and encourage business owners like yourself, to understand the roadblocks in their way, and light up their path to success.

This programme, unlike many others, is results-driven. It is customised to you!It will inspire you, encourage you, support you and challenge you in ways you didn’t think were possible!If you’re looking for a quick win, you might as well click on the cross in the corner.But if you’ve got the grit, determination and fire (pun intended) to keep persisting even when the going gets tough, this is the right programme for you.

Whether it is lack of strategy, not having clear systems and processes or failing to outsource, 95% of businesses fail in the first few years and many small business owners get in the way of their own success because they simply don’t have a clear direction of where they are headed.The Firestarter Programme supports you in breaking that cycle.

Become the CEO of your business

Why is the Firestarter Programme different to any other programme on the market?

Because we are not sending you back to school and making you learn 1001 business management theories.  We’re also not throwing out wild slogan BS. Our aim is sparking your company’s success by helping you focus on the bigger picture and the things that really matter.

Small business owners often get in the way of their own success. It’s only natural. You’ve set your company up from scratch. It’s your baby and even with a team, you want to make sure you have control over what you put out there into the world. But that may be the reason you’re always taking one step forward and two steps back.

With the Firestarter Programme, you can transform yourself from a small business owner to a ‘CEO’, who thinks and acts strategically, builds and grows a team, automates processes, and STOPS micromanaging. 

Proud to be inspiring business minds.

Here’s what some of them say:

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“Tamer challenged me, so I could grow my business to the next level—now I’m further than I’ve ever been.”

profile-picWendy AlisonBusiness Director for Intelligent Transport, Satellite Applications Catapult

“Kind and hugely generous, greatly capable, with just enough humility and humour. I recommend Tamer in a heartbeat.”

profile-picAhmed NagyCo-Founder & Chief Business Dev. Officer, Gnomon 3D and Businostics

“One of the best mentors I’ve ever been coached by—always a role model in sciencepreneurship, innovation, and diligence.”

profile-picMireille BeumerEntrepreneur and Facilitator, mireillebeumer

“Experienced globally, Tamer keeps me thinking and honest about my business. I would not be where I am now in my business without his questions and advice”.

profile-picSue Montgomery RN, BSN, MADigital Entrepreneur Organize the Essentials LLC

“A brilliant, passionate and authentic visionary, Tamer is a meticulous leader with keen insights that help others achieve their business goals.”

profile-picDeepa NatarajanMeet My Potential

“The Firestarter program will fire up your business to the next level. It is not just about making minor adjustments to your business; The Firestarter Team provided me a strategy to take MeetMyPotential to the next level with a clear roadmap that brings focus, clarity and sets the company on blue ocean path. Their insights and experience are very valuable.”

profile-picThomas Roedl – aka Tom SolidFounder of the Paperless Movement

“The Programme and the Deep Dive Report was money MORE than well spent! It could stop right now, and I would already say that it was the best investment I could ever have made for my business.”

What can you expect inThe FIRESTARTER Programme?


We don’t like to brag, but just this once we hope you’ll allow it.

When we say that The Firestarter Programme is not like any on the market – we mean it.

The 12-month course Programme takes you through every aspect of growing your business from Mindset to Business Structure, to Strategy (using our very own Business Strategy PlaybookTM, to developing your Product or Service; we cover how to put efficient and manageable Systems & Processes in place … to building your awesome Team and how to manage and forecast your Finances and Budgets.

Wait, we’re not finished!

The Programme also covers how to put together your Marketing Strategy, your Sales plan, your after sales – to managing and leveraging Growth and a whole lot more that you probably haven’t even considered when it comes to your business. But lucky for you, we’ve spent the time and energy thinking of it all.

Every Module comes with multiple worksheets (NOT homework!) that you submit and get feedback on.

This is a real-world MBA (that is actually useful). It has been developed by business owners for business owners and has our CEO (Dr. Tamer) as your tour guide in the comprehensive videos on our platform, and our Programme Facilitator that is always on hand to answer any questions you might have.

“The Firestarter program will fire up your business to the next level. It is not just about making minor adjustments to your business; The Firestarter Team provided me a strategy to take MeetMyPotential to the next level with a clear roadmap that brings focus, clarity and sets the company on blue ocean path. Their insights and experience are very valuable.”

Deepa Natarajan

Meet My Potential

BUsiness Health Checks

Ignite Your CEO Transformation

You get a personalised business assessment, where our team of business consultants review your responses and identify your business’ strengths and weaknesses, make suggestions to course correct and propose next steps for your business growth.

(Worth £2500)

Strategic Plan for your business

A Roadmap For Success

Get an entirely customised strategic roadmap to follow for the next 12 months. We’ll deep dive into the strategy, systems, hiring, finance & cash flow, resource allocation, and how to build an organic structure with your team to succeed.

Group coaching calls with tamer

Get those burning questions answered by Yours Truly

Some areas you’ll master fast, others will really push you and won’t be so easy. This is normal! Group coaching calls (via Zoom) give you time to have your questions answered, helping you absorb the material you’re learning and implementing over the 12 months. 

Entrepreneur mastermind pods

No Business Owner is an island

You’ll be paired into a group (or what we fondly call, pod) of five fellow entrepreneurs, who are going to be your support system for the 12 months. It will be a chance for you to network, collaborate and problem solve with like-minded entrepreneurs who understand the challenges you are facing as a business owner.

We even hold a Quarterly clinic where we run through your business plans and course-correct for the coming months.

Rest assured all participants are carefully selected to ensure they have the right calibre, contribute to the group and keep each other accountable.

Dedicated programme facilitator

Support that ensures your success

A Programme Facilitator will be with you at every stage of the programme. They are there to guide you through the programme and provide you with the support you need to stay on track.

Access to our private community

Start a conversation – anywhere, anytime

Need a helping hand or instant feedback on an idea? Our private community of other 6-figure entrepreneurs who share your hunger to scale and grow. (This is only available to others on the program.)

Bonus – IN-DEPTH 1-2-1 Business ASSESSMENT & REPORT*

set yourself apart and stand out in the market

Get an in-depth Assessment Report based on your Business Health and Sanity Check that puts every part of your business under scrutiny, because at this stage in your business growth we really need to cover all bases.

This includes: comprehensive guidance from our Consultancy Team on how to continue to thrive in the areas where you’re being awesome and tailored suggestions on how to overcome the challenging areas.

You also get a complimentary 1-2-1 follow up call, that runs through the outcomes of your Business Health Check, where he offers practical advice and support on your next steps.

(Value: $1,750)

*available if you pay per quarter upfront

Bonus – Deep dive 1-2-1 Consulting & Report**

‘the Works’

Everything that’s included in the Quarterly bonus, plus:

A Deep-Dive Consulting Report that explores every part of your business, including your business model, your marketing and sales channels, your strengths, weaknesses, potential for scalability, and tailored worksheets to help you overcome the stumbling blocks.

This also includes a clear and actionable 12-month Roadmap specifically for YOUR business prepared by our Consultancy team, that you can implement effectively not just over the course of the Programme but also after you complete the 12 months.

A 1-page summary of recommendations prepared by our CEO, Dr. Tamer Shahin, because he’s awesome like that.

(Value: $5000)

Your 1-2-1 call is with Tamer himself where you get down to the business of (seriously) growing your business. 

(Value: $2500)

“The Programme and the Deep Dive Report was money MORE than well spent! It could stop right now, and I would already say that it was the best investment I could ever have made for my business.”

Dr. Thomas Roedl – aka Tom Solid

Paperless Movement

**available if you pay the full year upfront

This may be a bit harsh, but…


Becoming the CEO of your business means disrupting a few comfortable patterns and growing your business, without the growing pains

Building a 6-figure business is a fantastic achievement. It takes a phenomenal amount of work, drive, blood, sweat, and tears (…and a bit of madness). BUT this is the problem that stands between you and the next big leap.

As entrepreneurs, there has to be method in our madness.

Your business cannot realize its full potential if you are in the thick of it 24/7.

CEO Entrepreneur: The Firestarter Programme

Being a CEO isn’t just for high level corporates; it’s the ability to run your business effectively, with a clear, strategic and passionate plan that helps you achieve that lifestyle and vision you have been dreaming of.

Step out of your comfort zone and achieve the growth you deserve.

Over the course of 12 months, you will be surrounded by a kickass community of business mentors, fellow business owners and our dedicated Programme Facilitator, who are right there with you – encouraging and supporting you every step of the way.

Our aim over the course of the next 12 months is to boost your:

  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency
  • Focus
  • Sales
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Business Growth

How do you get there? Through:

Coaching & Mentoring

Consulting & Advice

Masterminding & Accountability

Learning & Strategy

Entrepreneurial Community & 121 Support

Business Sanity & Health Checks

Hi, I’m Tamer Shahin – CEO @ CEO Entrepreneur

I’m a serial entrepreneur, investor, business coach, and mentor but most of all, a serious coffee drinker (none of that fake, instant stuff; that’s not coffee – that’s just sad).I help transform 6-figure entrepreneurs into the CEO of their business so that they can scale and grow.

You can trust me (I’m a doctor but that’s not why)…

Experiencing the highest highs and lowest lows that the business world has to offer, was quite the learning curve… I’m using everything I’ve learnt to advise, guide and inspire business minds like you so that you can implement and achieve the business of your dreams.The CEO Entrepreneur: The Firestarter Programme came as a result of me sitting down and thinking “how could I show someone how to grow beyond a 6-figure business?” (There may have been a little bit of The Prodigy involved)

How do I know how to do this?

Because I’ve done it many times. Oh, and I’ve also failed catastrophically and went into £2 million worth of personal debt, but that didn’t stop me.Yeah… it was a tough time and one that presented a lot of learning opportunities but you know that saying, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?I wear mine as a badge of honour as I have experienced the best and the worst that entrepreneurship has to offer. (Let me assure you that one is definitely more fun than the other.)Some of my key achievements include:●  I grew and ran a company valued at $100 million●  I’ve grown and scaled multiple 7-figure businesses (and failed and learned from those that didn’t!)●  I’ve spoken at TEDx, and being published in Forbes as a digital health thought leader●  I’ve advised country ministers on national policy & multi-billion-dollar productivity programs●  I’ve built my way back up after losing everything.


Are you ready to earn your stripes?

Becoming the CEO of your business requires big changes in your mindset. You need to be able to inspire, innovate and lead from the front. You need to reframe how you approach, automating processes, delegating, and navigating the minefield of finances and systems.

Become the leader your business needs.

It can be overwhelming being a business owner, which is why we are here to support you through this journey, because we have been there, done that and got several t-shirts.

Yes, that’s all great but how does this help you?

I’ve advised:

Jaguar, Ford, British Aerospace, Rolls Royce, Nokia, UK, Ministry of Defence, and the UAE.           .

So you get world-class advice

I’ve published:

Earned my PhD at 24, featured in TEDx, Forbes, international textbooks, two books, and on many major global platforms.

So you get powerful insights

I’ve founded:

Several companies, most globally successful, some acquired, and the odd one winning awards and global regard. 

So you’re supported as founder

I’ve managed:

Startups, platforms, companies, and a multi-billion dollar national productivity fund in the United Arab Emirates.

So you get management brilliance

I’ve crashed:

When I failed, I failed big – and the lessons from losing it all made subsequent success so much more rewarding.

So you learn how to make friends with failure

I’ve influenced:

I was named a global influencer in health, and spoke at TEDx.                                                               .         …

So you grow and become more influential

The Firestarter Programme has been carefully designed by me and my team to help you go from being a small business owner to being the CEO of your business over the course of 12 months. We’re not trying to sell you the dream; we want to support you in following yours.

This is the programme for you if you are:

  • Hitting the 6-figure and are hungry to grow and scale far beyond that
  • 100% committed to put in the time, work, and attention for 12 months
  • Committed to supporting others and consistently showing up
  • Open to new ideas and want to be creative with your solutions

This is NOT the programme for you if you are:

  • You still need to reach the 6-figure mark (…keep going! You’ve got this!)
  • You are satisfied with staying under the 6-figure mark for now
  • You are hoping that joining the programme will magically do all the hard work for you
  • You are not willing to step out of your comfort zone and listen to new ideas and constructive feedback

Tailored to your business…

The Firestarter Programme brings a high level and tailored programme to help you achieve YOUR outcomes. After your initial assessment and with periodic check-ups, we course correct your programme to help you get everything in place to achieve it.


From small business owner to CEO: A Strategic shift from a ‘Solopreneur’ Mindset

Being a small business owner can feel like you need to control everything or it will all fall apart. In the first stage of the programme, we work with you on your mindset and give you clear tools on how to look at the bigger picture and what your strategy needs to look like to achieve your Big Hairy Audacious Goals.

Whether it is your Business Strategy, Product Strategy or Customer Strategy…we’ve got you covered!


Lead, Delegate and Operate your Business like a CEO

It’s all very well having a strategy, but to actually grow and scale your business, you need a clear plan and what you’re going to implement and how you’re going to do it.

 From Finance to Operations to knowing what People to hire for your business, we will look at what implementation strategies will work for your business as a whole so that you are geared and ready for growth.


Leverage and Manage Momentum

“I want to achieve growth.”

How often do you, as a business owner, say that? But actually achieving growth is the easy part; it’s building a resilient ‘Bullet-Proof business’ model that’s the challenge.

What triggers can you look out for when growing and how do you sustain and leverage that momentum?

It’s all to play for!

Are you ready to sign up to The Firestarter Programme?

CEO Entrepreneur: The Firestarter Programme

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